Tuesday, July 24, 2012

BoHo PiXiE whimsical woodland style dollhouse /WORK in PROGRESS/ by WiLd PeArLy

My whole life I've been fascinated with the world of miniatures, dioramas, puppets, dollhouses... I do make my special designs more often nowadays, and this is just one project example I wanted to share :)...my work in progress on this adorable Boho-Pixie whimsical woodland style dollhouse...so much fun, I can't stand it! Haha! ;)
I set up a little workshop (for this project only) in my exercising area...one more 'excuse' not to work out or run on a treadmill (btw, it's just on the right, behind the table full of glues and paint), LoL!

 "The Code Inspector" (Mr. Frodo) on duty

Just playin' with rocks & these super cute miniatures...

'"Hmmm...should I stamp a part of this house maybe??..."

Even unfinished it looks cute & tranquil! ;)

I looove pickles/'baby dills' and their empty jars come in handy as well! ;)

I could easily live here~*

Yes, FREEDOM! ~*

I love peeking through the windows ...no matter what side~~* ;p 

Side view/ bay window~*

Oh, pretty shingles!~*

More pretty shingles!~*  ....Not that easy to put on, though....but painting part was so much fun! I've done  like  5-6 layers of different paint, and at the end added that special touch of whimsy> old gold accents! I love it! :)))

And here starts the best part< iNtEriOr dEcOrAtiOn, YaY! I will be adding more photos in my next post....stay tUnEd~*

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